Details for this torrent 

Sacred 1 Underworld ( aka Sacred Gold )
Games > PC
2.04 GB

+4 / -1 (+3)

Nov 17, 2008

Reupped to the Piratebay ...

Manual can be found here:

If you like the Game, go out and grab it.

Only 4.99 in UK = 10 $ in US if available ..

One Reasons why the PC is so much better than consoles

Or do you want to pay for Stone Old NES Games for your WII 

Better than the manual :


Well, it is like masterfaster pointed out:

Sacred Gold is Sacred 1 & Underworld updated to "perfection". I actually grabbed an original, because i could not find my old one anymore.
i cant get it to run =\
I have daemon tools and all that jazz but it just wont install i get the game to come up with option *install, quickstart, exit* but nothing works but the exit button.
I actually just got the 2nd one but my friend to me to play this first for the story to make sense

i have the same problem

anyone else having this problem??
can it be limited for vista users?
Works perfectly so far on XP 64-bit. Thank you :) I'm definitely going to buy this.
The game-update in this torrent is on some.. polish language or something..
Anyway, i followed the instructions but it would not run on my Vista x64 ultimate PC.
When i tried to run it i got this error box: "stlport_vc646.dll was not found"
"stlport_vc646.dll was not found"

ditto... me too....

Vista Home Premium x64
re: "stlport_vc646.dll was not found"

I am actually wondering if the crack with this release may have helped cause this error

I have figured it out....


the patch removes the CD/DVD check!

No crack needed
I am actually building a RIP as we speak...

Final size should be approx 1 GB, with a BAT installer, and Registry injection.
Actually, it looks like the final size of my rip may be possible @ only 400 mb :P plus an optional 200 mb music add-on

ive downloaded this and played this well. i have vista home premium SP1 32bit.


whats wrong with this?
For the people with that stlport_vc646.dll problem.
Here you go!:

great torrent,
lost my copy of this game a while back.
everything worked, but my video is glitchy...
like weird stop motion n whatnot
neone know how to fix that?
yo. please seed the sacred 1 manual ? please.. i wana play the first sacred.. cause in underworld. i cant cheat. T_T xD you know. we cheaters life. cant live without cheats.. T_t
The download link for the patch given in the readme file no longer works! Any suggestions?
ok here's my problem....Got the game working and everything, been playing for a lil bit but realized after a while that no enemies are ever respawning. I know they're supposed to respawn every time you leave and load game but i have no more enemies left. Reason this is problem (other than levelbuilding of course) is that one of the quests is to kill and get 10 goblin hearts..... I can't collect the hearts if i have already killed the goblins before getting the quest......

Any ideas on why enemies aren't respawning???
Excellent torrent. Runs great on my windows 7 64 bit. I did NOT install the crack - not sure why it is there. 1. Installed game. 2. Installed included update. 3. Ran game - no problems yet. Did not need nocd crack or anything.
@ yellowbeard....or anyone else who game worked for.... Do your enemies respawn at all after you've killed them?
this how it worked fer me on windows 7 ultimate:
open with daemon tools that way that u see whats on the cd. go on stup.exe and turn on compatibility modus "windows xp service pack", also make sure to check "run as admin". now double click setup.exe nothing will happen, but if you wait long enough (like 3min.) the setup wizard will suddenly pop up. install it and then install the patch 2.28
first time i play this. took the seraphim, cause shes the hottest :]
This torrent is great. This game is awesome.
I have Windows Vista 64 bit, and this runs fine on my system, no problems at all.

There is no need to install the crack, and remember to update the game with the latest patch to correct some of the little problems the game has, like, possibly, enemies not respawning, etc.

Remember, Vista users, to do all the things you must do to run programs with no problems, like running as administrator, etc.

This download works fine, there is nothing wrong with it. If you are having problems, they are on your end.

Thank you, Red Riding Hoot, for this great torrent.

Thx, works fine. No problems during installation.
Amazingly, ESET Online Scanner finds this to be clean of viruses. Awesome!
works perfectly,ty so much...but i have a question: someone has serials to play online? i have for ascaria campaign but i need serial for the underworld version. pls someone can give me a serial?
The worst torrent I've downloaded from this site.

It doesn't work at all, drains the memory to almost 0 and I had to reboot my computer just so I could delete all the folders.
do NOT download this torrent. I had 28 gigs worth of space, now I have 19 and I still have deleted all the folders I downloaded. fvck you red riding hoot.
I am posting this just in case some people encounter the problem with setup.exe not working properly.
Create a desktop shortcut to setup.exe and then open the shortcut's properties. There, set compatibility mode to Windows XP (or Windows 2000). This should fix the bug.
nice one Red_Reding_Hoot.. great upload man!. worked perfectly in my rig.
Sorry to confirm the problems here, but this torrent didn't work for me either.

The setup file is almost 2GB alone, and never opens into a usable installer. I used ProcessMonitor to watch what was happening: every few minutes, it would perform a few file/registry operations, but it sat mostly idle. 15 minutes in, I noticed my harddrive space begin to drain, as others have mentioned. I let it take a few hundred MBs before deciding it was not worth the risk. It still had not even started opening an installer window, let alone anything else.

Killing the task isn't easy, either. If you can't kill it with taskman, open a cmd prompt and type "taskkill /IM Setup.exe /F" to try and force it closed. Still, that didn't work for me either, so I forced a reboot.

Really sad that this didn't work, but hey, you get what you pay for. Time to try a different source, or for Hoot to upload a not-so-shitty version.
Those who experience problems: Since the setup file is so large it takes a while to load. If you click multiple times on the install button you'll open multiple intstances of a huge file, thats probably whats eating all your memory. Click install once and wait for it to load.
It works just fine. I just installed directly from img, by running setup.exe, and after that patching with version 2.28 (included). I am unsure what the "crack" does, as the game starts and runs without it. Have fun!
@ NecroPuppet

Hey to fix your problem restart your computer and hold down Shift, Ctrl, alt and press all the F1-F12 keys a whole bunch of times during the blue screen.. it will make your computer super fast!
For those of you who are having trouble opening the setup.exe -
You might need to disable what security/anti virus real-time protection. For some reason it seems that it prevents the .exe from loading.
Even then you need to wait for a little bit before it will pop up. But I got it to work on Windows 7 using this method.
Good luck.
I cant install, i try everithing but i can cant intall, dont works for me, the setup dont work
I have some issues with monster respawn (they don't do it). Can somebody help, please?
setup.exe is working but it needs some time to open. just double click setup.exe and w8 for it to open (i was w8ing 4 mins) and it will install game :)
about respawn i think monsters do respawn after exit game, and there are not only 10 goblins, search for them :)